How to Prepare Your HVAC Unit for a Snowstorm

November 20, 2021

Preparing your HVAC unit for a snowstorm can make a difference in whether it survives or breaks. Make sure it has a clean air filter, and schedule an inspection if you haven’t had one in a while. You should also check the vents and the thermostat, and have a backup plan. Inspect the System You should schedule maintenance for your HVAC unit twice a year. If it’s been more than a year since your last heating tune-up, you should hire an HVAC company to inspect and tune the system. Professional maintenance will alert

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When To Replace Your Furnace

September 20, 2021

It’ll be winter before you know it. Is your furnace up for the challenge? It may be time that you upgrade to a new furnace to bring your family through the new season. Noticing the signs that you need a new furnace will help you have a smooth process before it’s too late. There are six main signs that will tell you when it’s time to replace your furnace. Higher Energy Bills A gradual increase in your energy bill will tell you that you have an issue that is becoming worse. Depending on the issue, it

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Common Reasons You’re Paying Too Much for Heat

November 18, 2020

If you’re tired of opening your heating bills and being concerned over how high they are, there are things you can address to fix the problem. There are a few common reasons people pay too much to heat their homes. Too Little Insulation Many homes have too little insulation, especially older ones. This allows expensive heat to leave your home and makes your heater run all day long. You can fix this situation by increasing the amount of insulation in your attic and walls. Leaky Ducts It’s been found that

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Why Your Furnace Smells Like It’s Burning

October 20, 2020

It isn’t uncommon for your furnace to emit a burning smell after being turned on for the first time in several months. In some cases, it may be a cause for concern, but there is also a chance that you have nothing to worry about. Let’s take a look at some reasons why your furnace may smell like it’s burning. Excess Dust Is Being Burned Off Over the course of the spring and summer months, dust will likely accumulate on fan blades, motor blowers, and other parts of your furnace. When you turn

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Should My Furnace Fan Continuously Run

February 13, 2020

As a trusted provider of HVAC services in the Clinton, MO area, our team at Logan’s Heating & Cooling frequently receives questions about energy efficiency. To help our customers heat their homes more efficiently, we offer: HVAC inspection Furnace maintenance Furnace repair HVAC tune-ups One of the most frequently asked questions we receive from customers is whether it is best to keep their furnace fans running 24/7. Is It Safe to Run Your Furnace Continuously? The truth is your

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5 Furnace Facts

January 15, 2020

Your heating system plays an important role in keeping your home comfortable. Choosing the right furnace and keeping it in optimum working condition will not only keep you warm when it is cold outside but also save you a lot of hassle and aggravation. 1. High-Efficiency Furnaces Are Available to Help Save on Heating Costs With a traditional furnace, a lot of the heat produced goes up the exhaust pipe. Lightly touch the pipe with the back of your hand, and you can feel money going up in smoke. A high-efficiency furnace absorbs the

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